Get Connected To A Rental Concierge
Are you looking to rent locally? Are you relocating? Do you have a property you wish to rent? Our team of Rental Concierge are here to assist you with everything from planning to lease signings.

Why Rent?
Relocating? New Job? School?
Are you still on the fence as to which makes more since to rent or own? Don't go wrecking your brain or time on this, instead try to sit and write down the pros and cons of it and which option is going to be more beneficial for you.
Some of those benefits may include:
Zero Maintenance Cost: Majority of apartment repairs are usually covered by the landlord or management company.
Less Upfront Money: During rental approval you may be asked to put a small security deposit, which in most cases can be refundable. Down payments on homes can reach highs of up to 20% depending loan type.
No Fees or Taxes: Renters don't have to worry about the annual fees and taxes that most buyers have to keep track of like HOA's, School or Property Taxes.
Amenities: Renters love basking in the luxuries of amenities that most properties seems to offer large pools, pet parks, & fitness centers.

So Easy To Go From Renter to Owner
Did you know the same qualifications it takes to rent a home may be the same criteria needed to get you pre-qualified for a home loan?